CERS EDT Services (Testing)
Data Dictionary Query (DDQ)
For the specified CERS Data Registry data dictionary, allows UPAs to receive information about all fields in a specified dictionary, or a specific field based upon its field identifier.
Endpoint URL
https://cersapps.calepa.ca.gov/Testing/EDT/Library/DataDictionary/{Dictionary}XML Schemas
Output XML Schema (Version 1/05):
Return to Endpoint Listing
Unified Program Data Dictionary (mandated data fields for business and regulator data exchange)
All fields in Dictionary: .../Library/DataDictionary/UPDD
A single dictionary field: .../Library/DataDictionary/UPDD/{Identifier}
CERS Systems Fields Data Dictionary (data fields used by CERS to facilitate submittal workflows, user authentication/authorization, and other processes)
All fields in Dictionary: .../Library/DataDictionary/System
A single dictionary field: .../Library/DataDictionary/System/{Identifier}
CERS Supplement Fields Data Dictionary (data fields which CERS users and EDT clients can optionally provide to each other which may be useful (e.g. geolocation data, other data system facility identifiers not defined in other CERS data dictionaries)
All fields in Dictionary: .../Library/DataDictionary/Supplemental
A single dictionary field: .../Library/DataDictionary/Supplemental/{Identifier}