California Environmental Reporting System

CERS EDT Services (Testing)

Regulator CME Query (RCMEQ)

Allows UPAs to to query for a set of CME data based upon one or more query parameters/filters.

Endpoint URL{RegulatorCode}

XML Schemas

Output XML Schema (Version 1/05): RegulatorCMEQuery.xsd

All query parameters should be URL-encoded. Multiple query parameters can be sent in a single request URL. You will receive an HTTP 413 error (Request Entity Too Large) if your query results result in too large of an XML return. In general Cal/EPA encourages EDT clients to use thoughtful/narrow queries whenever possible to avoid excessive processing loads on the CERS servers.

URL Template: .../CME/Query?regulatorCode={regulatorCode}&{additional parameters}


* is a required parameter.
Parameter Name Parameter Description

Results are filtered to a specific CERS facility based upon its 8-digit CERS ID (CDR System Field #1a)



Results are filtered to CME data entities occurring on or before the provided endDate (date format "MM-DD-YYYY") based upon the value of the entity's OccurredOn field:

  • Inspections: Inspection.OccurredOn (CDR System Field #15.0007)
  • Violations: Violation.OccurredOn (CDR System Field #15.0030)
  • Enforcements: Enforcement.OccurredOn (CDR System Field #15.0019)
  • EnforcementViolations: Returned if the linked Enforcement's OccurredOn date (CDR System Field #15.0019) date falls on or before the provided endDate.


* regulatorCode

The CERS Regulator Code of the EDT-authorized UPA. Absent any other parameters, CUPAs will receive CME data for all of their facilities, and PAs will receive data for any facility they currently have a regulator relationship with, i.e., they are the regulator for at least one submittal element of a facility.



Results are filtered to CME data entities occurring on or after the provided startDate (date format "MM-DD-YYYY") based upon the value of the entity's OccurredOn field:

  • Inspections: Inspection.OccurredOn (CDR System Field #15.0007)
  • Violations: Violation.OccurredOn (CDR System Field #15.0030)
  • Enforcements: Enforcement.OccurredOn (CDR System Field #15.0019)
  • EnforcementViolations: Returned if the linked Enforcement's OccurredOn date (CDR System Field #15.0019) falls on or after the provided startDate.



Results are filtered to CME data entities having a specific status based upon each entity's CME Data Status (CDR System Field Data Entry Status, #20.0041). Entities having a "Draft" CME Data Status will not be returned, and entities having a "Deleted" CME Data Status will only be returned if requested using this parameter. Multiple statuses can be requested by providing a comma-delimitted list.

status=2 [returns only "Approved" CME data entities]

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