California Environmental Reporting System

CERS EDT Services (Testing)

Regulator Facility Submittal Action Notification (RFSAN)

Allows UPAs to submit to CERS XML data to set the Submittal status (and related submittal review information) of a Submittal Element previously submitted into CERS.

Endpoint URL{RegulatorCode}

XML Schemas

Input XML Schema (Version 1/15): RegulatorFacilitySubmittalActionNotification.xsd
Output XML Schema (Version 1/07): RegulatorFacilitySubmittalResponse.xsd

Once an organization has submitted one or more Submittal Element into CERS, it becomes a single Facility Submittal and can no longer EVER be edited by the organization. The only editable data for a submitted Submittal Element is the Submittal Status information set by the Regulator (SubmittalAction #20.0005, SubmittalActionDateTime #20.0006, SubmittalActionAgentName #20.0007, SubmittalActionAgentEmail #20.0008, SubmittalActionComments #20.0009). This data can be submitted to CERS using Facility Submittal Action Notifications. Action Notifications support the following scenarios:

  • Regulators exporting facility submittals from CERS can complete their review by sending an Action Notification for the submittal element(s) with status Accepted, Not Accepted, or Not Applicable.
  • Regulators exporting facility submittals from CERS can defer acceptance/non-acceptance of a facility submittal element(s) by sending an initial Action Notification with status Under Review, and then submit a future Action Notification of Accepted, Not Accepted, or Not Applicable when the regulator has completed their review of the submittal element(s).
  • Regulators generating new facility submittals from their local systems (typically via a local web portal) need to submit this data to CERS within 15 calendar days of submission by the facility owner/operator (to meet emergency responder mandates). To defer their initial/final review of the submittal element(s), the regulator would initially submit the complete facility submittal with status Submitted or Under Review, and then later would send an Action Notification on their final action on the submittal element(s).
  • When a regulator discovers a facility’s submittal element(s) previously submitted by the Regulator as Accepted or Not Applicable is incorrect based upon an inspection or other new information, the Regulator can send an Action Notification and set the submittal element(s) to Not Accepted or other applicable status. There is no limit on how many Action Notifications can be sent for a particular submittal element of a facility. However, changes in submittal element status will trigger alerts/notifications to facility owner/operators, so changes should be minimized and explained in the SubmittalActionComments (#20.0009).
  • Action Notifications never have a Submittal Element status of Submitted because the Facility Submittal record either originated from CERS or a prior Regulator Facility Submittal transaction.

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