California Environmental Reporting System

CERS EDT Services (Testing)

Regulator Facility Submittal Query (RFSQ)

Allows UPAs to query for a set of Facility Submittal Elements based upon one or more query parameters/filters and receive XML results formatted using RegulatorFacilitySubmittalQuery.xsd. Documents referred to in the results can be retrieved by the document's CERSUniqueKey using the Regulator Facility Submittal Document Query endpoint.

Endpoint URL{RegulatorCode}

XML Schemas

Output XML Schema (Version 1/14): RegulatorFacilitySubmittalQuery.xsd
All query parameters should be URL-encoded. Multiple query parameters can be sent in a single request URL. If you send a query with a very large set of results, you may receive an HTTP 413 error (Request Entity Too Large). UPAs must use thoughtful/narrow queries parameters to avoid excessive processing loads on the CERS servers or their service access will be suspended. Sample Request: …/Regulator/FacilitySubmittal/Query?regulatorCode={regulatorCode}&start=07-29-2012&end=07-30-2012


* is a required parameter.
Parameter Name Parameter Description
* regulatorCode

The CERS Regulator Code of the EDT-authorized UPA. Absent any other parameters, CUPAs will receive CME data for all of their facilities, and PAs will receive data for any facility they currently have a regulator relationship with, i.e., they are the regulator for at least one submittal element of a facility.



Submittal results are filtered to a single submittal element status (CDR System Field Submittal Action (Submittal Status), #20.0005). Submittal Statuses are:

  • 2=Submitted
  • 3=Under Review
  • 4=Accepted
  • 5=Not Accepted
  • 6=Not Applicable
  • 8=Certified

Note: "Draft" Submittals will never be returned by this endpoint.

?status=2 [returns only "Submitted" submittal elements]

[returns only Inventory submittal elements]


Results are filtered to submittal elements submitted on or after the provided date/time based upon the value of the SubmittedOn field (CDR System field #20.0010). The date format is "MM-DD-YYYY". A time is optional--if not provided, it will default to 00:00:00 AM PST. Report time values using 24-hour notation ("military time").



Results are filtered to submittal elements submitted on or before the provided date/time based upon the value of the SubmittedOn field (CDR System Field #20.0006). The date format is "MM-DD-YYYY". A time is optional--if not provided, it will default to 23:59:59 PM PST. Report time values using 24-hour notation ("military time").



Results are filtered to submittal elements acted upon (when Regulator changes the status of a submittal) on or after the provided date/time based upon the value of the SubmittalActionOn field (CDR System field #20.0006). The date format is "MM-DD-YYYY". A time is optional--if not provided, it will default to 12:00:00 AM PST. Report time values using 24-hour notation ("military time").



Results are filtered to submittal elements acted upon (when Regulator changes the status of a submittal) on or before the provided date/time based upon the value of the SubmittalActionOn field (CDR System Field #20.0010). The date format is "MM-DD-YYYY". A time is optional--if not provided, it will default to 11:59:59 PM PST. Report time values using 24-hour notation ("military time").



Results are filtered to submittal elements for the specified submittal element type(s) (CDR System Field Submittal Element Code, #20.0071). Multiple type can be requested as comma-separate list.



Results are filtered to submittal elements for for a specific facility based upon its 8-digit CERS ID (CDR System Field #1a)


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